Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Hi all; I'm quite tired, so I'll try to keep this short and get to bed. :)

Today, I went with my piano teacher and the other piano majors to the Schubert Club museum at the Landmark Center:

We got a little tour of the old instruments that they have there and then were able to try them out!  Here is a cute little piano-forte:

And a clavichord, apparently an instrument favored by C.P.E. Bach.  It is very quiet (the perfect instrument to practice on while someone is napping!) and small enough for travel -- apparently Mozart would use it to practice during travel:

Here's a double-manual harpsichord; note the reverse-colored keys -- that made it weird to play!  Well, that and the fact that one has to give a strong push to each key because it is plucking, not just hitting, a string:

So that was fun; Mama, if you're ever looking for a field trip, I highly recommend a visit to this museum (Katie, bring your piano books!).  And it could easily be paired with a Ballet Tuesday, because look who else was at the Landmark Center:

...the St. Paul Ballet company!  I was quite excited to see them and was almost tempted to go talk to them as we were leaving, since they were also finished, but then I didn't dare. :)

A Nutcracker "Where's Waldo": "Where's Drosselmeier?"

We also had a sisterhood dinner tonight, with delicious soup made by Jenna, Lisa, and Stephanie.  And now, it's bedtime; goodnight!

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