Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Another #TommieTuesday

(Choir director quote of the day: "See the hashtag in front of that note?  That's a sharp, and it means that you sing the note a half-step higher.")

Greetings, all!  Another Tuesday is finished, and I feel out of breath, as if I'm running a 5k or doing the dog paddle and trying to keep my head above water.  Especially the latter; today I was really feeling my schedule -- I have all these great classes, but not enough time to invest in them to do my best!  Arrgh! So frustrating.  Hopefully that's just a Tuesday (okay, Mon/Tues/Wed) feeling that will become better once I have more time to do homework (or maybe I just shouldn't take as many credits next semester)!

Anyways. :)  Today wasn't all that bad -- I got a free homecoming sweatshirt:

The picture and that last sentence are actually related: if you look really closely, you can see a row of people across the quad, and they are all waiting for a sweatshirt -- I took the picture from a similar line.  (I suppose that people who wait for an hour for a sweatshirt shouldn't complain about all the time they don't have...But it's a nice sweatshirt!)

The weather was gorgeous, Philosophy was deep (we're discussing Berkeley and whether objects exist outside our perception), and Sisterhood dinner refreshing.

But now it's quite late.  Goodnight!

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