Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Another Piano Wednesday

Today was my usual Wednesday: Theo, piano practice, piano ensemble, piano lesson, and Music History (I kid you not!).  All I can say is that it's a good thing that I like to play piano. ;)

The unusual part, however, came this evening, when I attended a "Campus Ministry Story Slam," organized by my lovely roommate.  I wasn't sure how it would be, but it turned out to be great; I have not laughed this hard since I don't know when!  (Wait, I do know when; since last Monday.  But laugh attacks aside... :))  Basically, everyone got to tell a story, with a 5-minute cap, and somehow incorporating one of the trigger words -- "pumpkin," "breakdown," and "The Arches."  Fr. Tobin told about his first job at McDonald's (can you guess his trigger word?  Remember, there are Arches at UST, so it's a pun :D), Tim, one of the peer ministers, told about the time that he made a sparkler-bomb-thing, and Michaela told about how her family tried to get her to go on a date over the summer (she's discerning religious life).  All in all, it was a great night!

Oh, and here is the picture of the MMCs that is hanging in the Campus Ministry office:

(From left to right: Micaela, Michaela, James, me, Margaret -- in case you have trouble identifying him, James is the one with antlers. ;))

And can you name two other people in the other pictures?  Given the tendency of everyone in the Catholic community to know each other, maybe you know more, but, my family, you should recognize two for sure. :)

Only a few days until I'm back in Ham Lake; can't wait to see you all!

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