Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Made it through Wednesday!

I have to admit that that's how I feel at 5 o'clock when coming out of Music History -- all my classes are great, but taken almost straight from 8:15-5:00, they get to be a bit much.  However, I have only 2 classes tomorrow, so I'll have a chance to recuperate. :)

Pictures today:  two Earl Grey tea bags, one decaf and one regular.  Only the decaf tag was flipped for a little while and I wasn't sure which one was which -- thankfully, I found the words "decaf" on the tag and applied my newly-hewn logic skills (see the following photo) to deduce which one I should use tonight. :)

Next is the argument I promised!  Here it is in sentence form...

... and here it is laid out:

1.  If one doesn't reject personhood for animals, then humans are not "special" relative to other animals and, therefore, deserve no "special respect."
2.  Humans are "special" relative to other animals and, therefore, deserve "special respect."
3.  Therefore, I reject personhood for animals.

What makes this argument so cool is that Premise #2 is actually an argument itself (indicated by the word "therefore").  It is especially fun when put into symbol form (see the bottom right hand of the picture - that's probably how the sentences should be laid out, but I don't have the Word processing capabilities here, so you can all use your imagination :))!

Finally, someone being a smart aleck:

(In case the picture isn't clear, the post-it says "Use your ego!"  Haha. :))

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