Monday, February 6, 2017

Buonasera from Roma!

Buonasera, amici --

After about 11 hrs split over two plane rides (with a partially successful attempt at sleep on the second flight), I am in the Eternal City!  Our time here has already been exciting; we've had gelato (my first!), espresso (also a first, and something that, if I continue, may make it difficult to return to American coffee), orientation, Mass, and finally some down time.  We've got an organ in the chapel!  Bernardi (where we are staying) is beautiful.  Here's my room and lovely roommate, pre-unpacking:

Can you see the molding around the ceiling?

We also took a walk along the Tiber.  The water is green and kind of disgusting, but the buildings along it are lovely.

These trees are all over:

 Well, I think that's all I've got for now.  Or maybe there's more, but it's a lot to take in, so that's all that I've absorbed to this point. :)  So, arrivederci!

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