Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans Day

No picture, but two points:

First, the stretch of sidewalk with the American flag on it was blocked off with two military people (sorry, there must be a correct term but this is as close as I can come -- I'm guessing they are ROTC) patrolling it, walking up and down (again, not the correct term; this would have been a great opportunity to let a picture speak for itself).  But it was a great reminder to stop complaining about the snow and cold and be grateful for all the sacrifices that have been made for me and my freedom.  Thank you, veterans!

Second (and switching gears slightly), I cooked for house dinner tonight, and it turned out great!  I made chicken (Mama, there wasn't as much topping as I would have liked, since, even though the tenderloins were smaller, the surface area was greater -- they were very flavorful and tender, though), corn muffins and glazed carrots -- the latter on a whim, but they were delicious. :)  I am feeling quite proud and accomplished, but am also suddenly very appreciative of all the work that goes into making a meal for more than one person.  So thank you, Mama; you're amazing! :D

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